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www.niceautomaticgate.com www.niceautomaticdoor.com www.gate-barrier.com mengajak kerjsama distributor agen seluruh indonesia utk kerjsama yg win win solution distributro nice no1 italy automatic gate ,record no1 usa automatic door and world with best
Contact Information
Mr. Anthony
[Director/CEO/General Manager]
Instant Messaging:

Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. Anthony at JAKARTA UTARA
Mobile Number:
Mobile number of Mr. Anthony at JAKARTA UTARA
Fax Number:
Fax number of Mr. Anthony at JAKARTA UTARA
Jalan Bandengan Utara 80 , Komplek Bandengan Indah Blok A 31- 32
JAKARTA UTARA 14440, Jakarta
SOLE Distributor for WORLD CLASS automatic door, automatic gate , barrier gate, robotic parking andSecurity Products, distributors, dealers, Agents Wanted didukung oleh purna jual terjamin dgn kualitas sparepart standard no 1 eropa dan dunia serta
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automatic door[Jun. 18, 2011 12:11:18]
PriceAUTOMATIC DOOR murah diskon 40 persen kualitas no1 dunia
Quantity Order:
Quantityautomatic door buruan takut kehabisan
Pack. & DeliveryAUTOMATIC DOOR terbaru terbaik termurah
fastmatic® automatic door Advanced Door Systems

Combining innovative products, quality engineering and complete customer support, west star Supplies supplies an unrivalled range of revolving and special purpose doors made by fastmatic®
Manual Revolving Doors

With a wide choice of finishes and sizes, plus a comprehensive array of options, our high quality Tourniketo and Crystael Tourniketo manual revolving doors provide safe, reliable and convenient entrances for almost any building.
Automatic Revolving Doors

Larger versions of our Tourniketor and Crystalo Tourniketo revolving doors are often automated for greater user comfort while our three largest revolving door models; the Tournexo, Duotoun and Twinfast® are always automated due to their size. Automatic doors over 3600mm in diameter can handle large volumes of people and accommodate trolleys, stretchers and shopping carts.
Special Purpose Doors

Our two special purpose doors provide for those slightly unusual or difficult applications. The Circleslide, with curved sliding doors, provides completely free access and the Flowslide combines revolving and sliding door technologies to allow two streams of people to flow through a junction point without merging.
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